
Antje Peters



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Immortality, TENT, Rotterdam, NL, 2009
Sustaining the Present, the Past, the Future

Immortality dealt with the continuation of ideas, and how notions about ourselves and others are invariably passed on, becoming a collective body of thought and influencing our daily lives. The exhibition was curated by Fatos Üstek, TENT Young Curator 2009.

With works by Carla Ahlander, Iddo Drevijn, Elian Somers, Antje Peters, Bettina Pousttchi

https://www.antjepeters.com/files/gimgs/th-115_Frank Hanswijk_Immortality18.jpg
https://www.antjepeters.com/files/gimgs/th-115_Frank Hanswijk_Immortality7.jpg
https://www.antjepeters.com/files/gimgs/th-115_Frank Hanswijk_Immortality19.jpg